Stop Trump
Over the last four years, Donald Trump has used and abused the power of the Presidency to enrich himself, attempting to violate the Cuban Embargo for his own business ventures. Those around him have also used their positions as leverage for their personal gain, such as Paul Manafort, who wanted to “monetize his campaign position.” His administration has used their power as a weapon to divide the nation.
America Cannot Afford Another Four Years of Donald Trump.
We encourage any donations over $1,000, to be sent via check to:
Emily Oh/Immigrants' List
1825 K Street NW, #450, Washington, D.C. 20006
It's No Secret that Trump Will do Anything to Make Money
That’s why he attempted to violate the Cuban Embargo and build a Trump hotel on Cuba’s golf course. Not only that, but his disgraced former campaign manager Paul Manafort attempted to use his connection to the president for personal gain just days before the inauguration. Our new ad ”Embargo“ puts Trump's corruption in the spotlight, highlighting the ways in which he has used his position as President to enrich himself at the expense of the Cuban American community. Cuban-Americans deserve better, and our country deserves better.
We must mobilize the New American community at the grassroots by educating people on Trump's history of corruption, in Cuba and elsewhere. Digital, print, television, and radio ads cost resources for production, distribution, and translations. For us to do this, we need your help getting our message out so that we can Stop Trump in 2020.
You can donate one consultation fee, and your firm can donate too! Your funds will go to “Stop Trump in November.” Your support will help us run in-language ad campaigns in battleground states. The time to act is now! Make a donation today! What Can You Do?
We have less than three weeks to ensure Donald Trump can no longer use the Office of the President to enrich himself at the expense of the Cuban American community.
Become involved in your community.